
Burton & Puddington Bowls Club is committed to creating a safe and comfortable environment. It is our policy to safeguard the welfare of all who participate in our activities by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm. We take concerns seriously and seek to address issues in a sensitive and timely manner.

We adhere to the safeguarding policies set down by the British Crown Green Bowling Association, working in partnership with the Bowls Development Alliance (BDA).

Safeguarding Adults In Bowls – BDA Policy

Safeguarding Resources

At Burton & Puddington Bowls Club, the following individuals are available to help you resolve any concerns or issues that may arise.

Level One

If you feel comfortable doing so, we encourage you to first address your concern with the individual(s) involved. This helps to foster an honest and open community and is often the fastest path to a resolution.

Level Two

If you are not comfortable directly addressing the individual(s) involved, or if no resolution can be agreed upon, your next point of contact should be:

Liz Doyle
07870 136103
[email protected]

Level Three

If an issue has not been resolved through Levels One and Two or if you are not comfortable taking your concern to the contact in Level 2, contact the person listed below. The contact at this level may consult with others and review any legal or other implications of any decision.

Sue Birch
[email protected]

In case of physical emergency or criminal activity, call 999.

Everyone in bowls has a part to play in safeguarding. If you suspect a person is being abused, or if they confide in you, someone has a concern or makes a complaint about another person or about you, it is your duty to report this immediately to the Level 2 or Level 3 contact.

Published: 6 June 2022
Amended to change Level 3 Contact: 17 February 2024
Amended to refine ‘What Is Abuse?’: 6 April 2024
Amended to change Safeguarding Officer: 1 May 2024

Download our Safeguarding Policy


Conduct or comment that, wittingly or unwittingly, creates and maintains an offensive, hostile, or intimidating climate. It should be noted that a person does not have to be a direct target to be adversely affected by a negative environment.

Any kind of abuse or bullying is always emotionally damaging to the subject involved.

Abuse includes, but is not limited to:

Physical Abuse

Causing physical harm to an individual – hitting, throwing objects, physical intimidation, physical contact without consent.

Verbal Abuse

Inappropriate or insulting remarks, gestures, jokes, innuendoes or taunting about a person’s appearance, racial or ethnic background, colour, creed, or disability.

Sexual Abuse

Unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendoes or taunting about a person’s appearance, gender, sexual orientation, sex life, or personal life.





It’s not banter if

  • you would be upset if it were said to you
  • it’s hurtful
  • someone’s asked you to stop
  • the target isn’t laughing
  • it focuses on someone’s insecurities
  • an imbalance of physical or social power is being used

Banter vs Bullying – BDA Information

A poster with different groups offering help - Suicide Helpline, Samaritans etc