Our Christmas Party was held in the Gladstone Village Hall this year. It was a lovely afternoon – good friends, a Christmas quiz (quite fiendish!), a game and a raffle with a ton of prizes. As usual, we collected for the Wirral Foodbank and everyone was so generous. We filled four trays with food (around 50kg).
Many thanks go to:
The Events Committee (Pat, Kath, Liz and Sue).
Margie for catering suggestions.
Chris L, Geoff, Lindy, Liz and Sandra for setting up the tables and chairs.
Pat H for putting the quiz together. And Pat K for acting as her assistant during the afternoon.
Sandra for the game of Heads & Tails.
Pat H for organising the raffle and Margaret for helping to sell tickets. We raised £134!
Everyone who helped clear up and put away the tables and chairs.
All who donated raffle prizes and items for the Foodbank.