Code Of Conduct

Burton & Puddington Bowls Club prides itself on being a welcoming and safe place to play bowls.

Members are expected to:

  • Conduct themselves in a sportmanslike way and to treat fellow bowlers and spectators with respect and courtesy at all times.
  • Refrain from abusive or threatening behaviour. Bullying will not be tolerated. Please see below for the definition of abuse and the difference between banter and bullying.
  • Know the rules of the game.
  • Accept the decisions of officials without dissent.
  • Treat the green and Clubhouse facilities with respect.

The following are not permitted on the green at any time:

  • Drinks.
  • Smoking or vaping.
  • Phones or other electronic devices (including smart watches etc) in active mode, unless for medical monitoring.
  • Swearing.
  • Illegal substances or drugs.
  • Hard blocked or open toed footwear.

The following are not permitted on or around Club premises at any time:

  • Swearing.
  • Illegal substances or drugs.

Escalation Procedure

Safeguarding issues should be reported to the Club Safeguarding Officer, who will take the appropriate action in line with the Club’s Safeguarding Policy. Contact details for the Safeguarding Officer can be found on the Club noticeboard.

Unsportsmanlike or unacceptable behaviour on and around the green and Clubhouse premises should be reported to a Committee member who will make every effort to resolve the issue quietly. If this cannot be done, the matter should be escalated to the Committee as a whole. Seven days’ notice of a hearing will be given, and all parties shall have the opportunity to present their case.

As per the Club Constitution, the Committee shall have the power to recommend reprimand, suspension or, in extreme cases, expulsion from the Club.

If the issue cannot be resolved by the Committee, the matter shall be dealt with in accordance with the prevailing British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA) Disciplinary Policy.

Version 1 – Adopted 21 March 2024


Conduct or comment that, wittingly or unwittingly, creates and maintains an offensive, hostile, or intimidating climate. It should be noted that a person does not have to be a direct target to be adversely affected by a negative environment.

Any kind of abuse or bullying is always emotionally damaging to the subject involved.

Abuse includes, but is not limited to:

Physical Abuse

Causing physical harm to an individual – hitting, throwing objects, physical intimidation, physical contact without consent.

Verbal Abuse

Inappropriate or insulting remarks, gestures, jokes, innuendoes or taunting about a person’s appearance, racial or ethnic background, colour, creed, or disability.

Sexual Abuse

Unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendoes or taunting about a person’s appearance, gender, sexual orientation, sex life, or personal life.


It’s not banter if

  • you would be upset if it were said to you
  • it’s hurtful
  • someone’s asked you to stop
  • the target isn’t laughing
  • it focuses on someone’s insecurities
  • an imbalance of physical or social power is being used

Banter vs Bullying – BDA Information