Tales From The Woods – Caterpillars

Laura recently noticed a great many Peacock Butterfly caterpillars when she visited the green so I popped up there to take a look and get some photos. Sure enough, some nettles up behind the shelter were alive with them. Both Laura and I had the same reaction on first seeing them …. Ugh! But as … Read more

Booking The Green – June 2020

Government Advice is that Bowling Greens can now open but, initially in Phase 1, only under very restrictive conditions. The Club has undertaken a risk assessment and has agreed the following guidance which must be followed to protect our members and comply with the national restrictions set out in the British Crown Green Bowling Association … Read more

Tales From The Woods – When Shall We All Meet Again?

I walked up to the social club this afternoon and came across Bill who was working on the green. Our conversation covered many topics including wondering whether or not we would get to play at all this season. We both hoped for the best. Spookily, I found this in The Guardian when I got home: … Read more

Tales From The Woods – The Green

By now we had all hoped to be enjoying a few roll-ups before the new season began. We were looking forward to the Flyers and the first Round Robin – a chance to get together with friends and shake the dust off our woods. I know I was eager to begin my second season with … Read more

Temporary Closure

As a result of the government’s latest announcement,  the Village Hall and Sports Club will be closed until further notice.  The sports field and play area will remain open but we ask that you exercise caution, keeping distance from anyone not in your household, using antibacterial hand gel and follow the prevailing government guidelines. We … Read more

COVID Update

We have received this statement from the Chief Executive of the British Crown Green Bowling Association: “Following the Government announcement it is with great sadness that we now have to suspend all bowling for the foreseeable future. Based on the advice announced we need to avoid all mass gatherings and sporting events as these will … Read more

2020: Monthly Round Robin Socials

Our first Round Robin Social  of 2020 will be held on Saturday 25 April. The socials are great fun! Partners are chosen by drawing names out of hat and you then go on to play three doubles games (eight ends only each game). Points are accrued and the winning pair wins a small prize each. … Read more

2020: Monthly Flyers

Back, by popular demand, the monthly opportunity to partake in a friendly afternoon knock-out game. All standards of play welcome, from complete beginners to seasoned veterans. Come along and join in. Marvel at the standard of skill (and pure good luck!). Take this opportunity to watch and play against others and improve your own game, … Read more

2019: Short Mat Indoor Bowls

Join us for Short Mat Bowls in the Club House, Saturdays 1pm-4pm. It’s a great way to chase away the winter blues. 12 October26 October9 November23 November11 January25 January8 February22 February7 March21 March4 April Tea and biscuits provided. Beginners welcome.

‘Champion Of Champions’ A Resounding Success

The Chester and District Bowling League Merit – Champion of Champions 2019, held at Burton & Puddington Bowls Club on Sunday 1 September 2019, was a resounding success. The weather was kind and everyone enjoyed a bowling event undertaken in a great spirit with an exciting final to top it off. The winner was Tony … Read more