Social Bowl – 27 August

Great turnout again yesterday. Note the strategic use of shade! Maggie & Mark were our winners this week. Mark had to leave early so Maggie accepted on behalf of them both.

2022: Friendly vs Tarvin

Monday 5 September. Burton vs Tarvin. Home. 5pm start. If you want a roll up arrive by at least 4.30pm. The format will be doubles with each couple being one from each club. As we are starting so early and no one will have had time for dinner, please bring a plate of food for … Read more

Social Bowl – 14 August

It was baking out on the green yesterday afternoon, but a few brave bowlers persevered! Brian was our winner and Terry made the presentation.

B & P vs Aston

Fantastic result for B&P this evening in their match with Aston B. Well done, all!

BYOB (Bring Your Own BBQ)

A fabulous Saturday afternoon BBQ. Many thanks to our intrepid chefs Alan, Mark & Dave and to all who pitched in to help. Everyone brought food to share and we held a raffle to raise funds for the Club. Thanks to those who donated the prizes. It was a lovely event.

GVH Family Social Night

Family Social Night on Friday. People were encouraged to try out the different sports available at the Social Club. Thanks to Alan for the fabulous signs and to all the members who helped out.