Volunteers Needed

Geoff and John need some help next week to clear up following all the wonderful work they have been doing on the surrounds.

Geoff says: “I have booked a skip for next Wednesday 1st March.  An early delivery has been requested (7.30a.m. – 9.00a.m.)  The skip hire company will do their best on this but cannot guarantee the timing.

The purpose of the skip hire is to clear away all the debris that has arisen from the green surrounds project, but there will be an opportunity to do a bit of gardening while the skip is with us (Wed – Fri).  This is an invitation and gentle request for help in shifting the debris.  We have a wheelbarrow but a couple more would come in handy.  I’m suggesting Wednesday afternoon and/or Thursday.

There will, no doubt, be green tidying work sessions before the season starts, but this will be an opportunity to do those jobs that create a lot of waste.”

Please let Geoff know if you are able to help: [email protected]
