Tales From The Woods – It’s Bowls, Jim, But Not As We Know It!

And so the first week of re-opening the green is over!

Eleven people used the green, some on two occasions, and more have booked for this week. The green is looking great and, despite conditions being variable due to the weather, everyone has enjoyed the chance to get rolling again.

The main takeaway from this week: if you want to sit down, bring a chair as all the benches have had to be taped up.

It’s definitely not what we are used to, but it’s great we can get back on the green for some practice. So check the weather forecast, check the calendar, and sign up for your slot!

David preparing to deliver a wood. A large weed in the path in the foreground
Portrait of David, featuring weed.
Sheila standing on the green pointing down at four woods and a jack.
Sheila and her shadow disagree on which wood is nearest the jack!
Brian & Mike pose on the green, each holding one wood.
Brian and Mike are glad to be back on the green.