It was sunny in the morning, but the rain started as soon as we began bowling! There was a huge turnout (36 bowlers) for the Social which kept Pat & Kevin busy juggling teams and games. It all came down to a three-end playoff between Jill and Pat and Kath and John. Jill and Pat were the eventual winners.
After the Social, we headed into the Clubhouse for our Coronation Afternoon Tea. The bar was open, there was a great selection of food, and a table quiz featuring King Charles and Royals In History. There were some lovely raffle prizes, including a large fruit basket, bottles of wine, beauty gift vouchers and a music box.
A marvelous time was had by all and the afternoon raised £305.63 for the Club.
Thanks to all who made the food, donated raffle prizes, sold raffle tickets, washed up the dishes, and cleared up afterwards. Special thanks to Sheila who helped set up the Clubhouse in the morning, to Thora who worked tirelessly behind the bar and made the rounds of the tables serving tea, to Alan for all the bunting inside and outside the Clubhouse, and to Pat & Kevin for running the Social.