Quiz Afternoon

We had great fun at the Quiz on Saturday afternoon. Six teams battled it out, but the eventual winners were ‘The Young Ones’ – Laura, Kath, Bill, Rod, David and Geoff.

There was cake galore! 

Thanks to Barbara and David for compiling the quiz – a perfect combination of easy and hard. Thanks to Len and David for manning the bar, to Laura who sold raffle tickets and to Sheila who helped set up, made teas and coffees, and drew the raffle. Thanks, too, for all the food, raffle prizes, and for the help clearing up at the end of the afternoon.

Looking from the TV end of the Clubhouse - tables with people working on the Picture Round.
Two tables of people. Maggie and Alan rocking out to Sweet Caroline.
Close up on food on table. Jam tarts, cupcakes, brownies, shortbread, crisps etc
Looking towards the TV end of the Clubhouse. People at tables working on the Picture Round
Tables laden with cakes, biscuits and crisps
David and Len behind the bar