2024 – Indoor Friendly At Claremount


The address is Claremount Methodist Church, Claremount Road, Wallasey CH45 6UE.

David, our contact at Claremount, says: “The church entrance is on Claremount Road but the entrance to the attached church hall where we play is on Sandy Lane which runs off Claremount Road. There is a small car park in front of the church entrance on Claremount are but most of us park at the top end of Sandy Lane. Should be no problem for you finding parking places.”

We need to arrive venue no later than 12.45pm as the aim is to start fairly promptly at 1pm.

Meet at GVH carpark at 12pm and leave by 12.15pm at the latest. Google maps says it is a 25-30 minute trip from there. Just so we don’t wait for you, please let Sue know if you make arrangements to pick people up to go straight there.


We have been invited to Claremount Bowling Club in Wallasey for an Indoor Friendly on Wednesday 31 January.

Schedule as follows:

  • Bowling begins at 1pm.
  • Tea around 2.15pm-2.30pm.
  • End at 4pm.

We will carpool.

The format will be triples – so we get to mix and mingle, we will have two players from one Club and one from the other in each team.

Because of the size of the venue, we are restricted to 16 players from Burton & Puddington. There are a couple of spaces available so if you are interested, please email [email protected] as soon as possible. First come, first served.