Get More Involved!


We are always looking for players to take part in our league bowling fixtures.  Any club member who turns up regularly at our Saturday afternoon social bowling is encouraged to consider putting their name forward to join one or more of our 2024 teams.  Please contact the team captain, contact details below.  League bowling is the best way to take your bowling to the next level.

We also need new captains for the Ladies team and the Burton & Puddington team.  If you would like to volunteer please contact the respective team captains, contact details below, who can also tell you what is involved in the role.  If we don’t have a captain, we can’t run the team!

We currently have the following teams:

Ellesmere Port & Neston Bowls League – Vets Team. This is a 6 singles and 3 doubles format played on Monday or Tuesday afternoons. Our 2023 captain, Laura Preston will be handing over to Sandra Hughes  and Chris Leadbetter for next season.

Ellesmere Port & District Ladies Bowling League. Ladies only team that plays on Wednesday afternoons.  Our 2023 captain, Sheila Jones, is standing down and we are now looking for a new captain. 

Chester and District Bowling League. Format is 10 singles games played on a Monday evening. We currently have one team, the Burton & Puddington Team. A second team, the Burtonwoods team, was disbanded due to a shortage of players. We would be able to re-establish this team if a sufficient number of members are interested in playing.

Mike Jones, the 2023 Burton & Puddington team captain, is standing down.

If you are interested in taking on any of these roles but would like information on what is involved, and/or if you want to volunteer, please contact email [email protected].


Bill Preston is stepping back from this role so we need a volunteer to take over. The main tasks are as follows:

  1. Mowing rota. We have a number of volunteers for mowing the bowling green. At the start of each season the green co-ordinator will put a schedule on the club noticeboard for volunteers to put their names on.
  2. Liaising with Mick Jones (who maintains the cricket pitch and has agreed to also maintain the bowling green) concerning what and when maintenance work may be done. This may also include liaising with the club treasurer/committee concerning any cost commitments.
  3. Arranging for working parties as and when necessary to support maintenance work. This can usually be done by putting out a call for volunteers in Sue Birch’s weekly email.
  4. Keeping an eye on the condition of the mower, adjusting the height of cut as may be advised from time to time by Mick Jones.
  5. Purchasing petrol for the mower as needed from time to time.
  6. During dry summer months, green watering may be necessary. Sheila and Mike Jones have offered to do this work.
  7. Keeping the green tidy during the closed season (clearing leaves etc), and any cutting of the green that is necessary during the closed season

As you can see, this is mainly a liaison role but a vital one.

Potential volunteers could chat with Bill Preston and should contact Geoff Beard to offer their services.


We are looking for four or five people to be an informal ‘Events Committee’ to help Sue organise our social events over the coming year.

What it will involve:

Deciding which events to run and when.

Getting the room ready on the day before or the morning of.

Choosing which refreshments to serve, buying the items, and putting them out.

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in helping out. Thanks!


A suggestion made last year was for an event where members could show off their arts and crafts skills. Before we schedule an actual date (tentatively thinking sometime in March), we just wanted to check how many people would be interested in displaying and/or selling their work. The idea is for a fun afternoon where members and friends (not the public at large) can enjoy, nay marvel, at the hidden talents of their fellow bowlers!

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in taking a table (at no cost). Please also let us know what you will be bringing. Thanks!