COVID – An Update From Our Chairman

Dear Members

I’ve been awaiting guidance from The British Crown Green Bowling Association following the relaxation of lock-down but none is forthcoming. It is basically down to us and there are no requirements laid down. The Village Hall are not laying down any specific requirements but will advise users if required and will continue to take some precautions in respect of cleaning etc. After consulting Committee members we are proposing the following:

In general we should relax our arrangements as much as possible and rely on our members to act appropriately given the continuing high levels of COVID in our communities.

Thus the following changes will come into effect from 5 August 2021:

  • The Booking System for casual use will cease so members may turn up for casual/practice games whenever they wish without booking, avoiding club events/matches of course.

  • We will retain the Calendar for Club events. All club events should therefore be entered on the Calendar via Sue Birch. Organisers of club events, eg Round Robins, will continue to ask members to book as this helps the smooth running of the event.

  • We will remove all restrictions on formats of games and allow both singles and doubles to be played,  but limit the number of games to a maximum of 5 at a time for singles and 4 at a time for doubles (which probably reflects how we operated BC, before COVID). For club events it will be down to the organiser to decide the format and inform members.

  • We will continue to make wipes and sanitising sprays available.

  • We limit the numbers on or around the green to 30 which will be more than enough for most events.

  • We will  comply with Village Hall advice on use of catering and toilets and meetings. This will allow 2 people to make teas etc if anyone wants to, and have socially distanced meetings inside.

  • We will  keep a list of attendees for matches and events for 2 weeks and then destroy them.

  • All previous guidance is withdrawn.

We will of course keep these matters under review and update things if changes are required. We would therefore welcome any ideas/comments from members. Finally in the light of the continuing risks of COVID, please be sensitive to the need to maintain some degree of social distancing .

Best wishes
