Christmas Party

It was a super afternoon! Sue Hedges entertained us with ballads, rock and roll, and Christmas songs, the food was delicious and the whole event was a great success. And we had some unexpected guests – Jackie and Margaret had us in stitches when they came out for the finale dressed as a turkey and a snowman!

Thanks are due to many, many people.

The wonderful food: Lief, Margaret & Roy, Maggie, Sandra, Sheila, Liz, Wendy & Alan, Margie, Laura & Bill, Brenda, Geoff, Lindy, Pat H, Dave T, Jackie H, Keith, Kath, Karen.

Running the bar: Brian, Howard

Transporting Sue, her parents, and the equipment: Pat K (and Margie & Ken)

Selling raffle tickets and running the raffle: Pat H

To all who helped set up, wash up, and clear up, and to everyone who donated raffle prizes. 

And a big thank you for all the donations to the Foodbank. There was a truly impressive amount. It will be gratefully received by the Foodbank and by those whom they support.

Sue Hedges on the piano. Picture taken from between rows of seats.
Club members seated in rows listening to music from Sue Hedges.
Sandra were a santa hat, Jackie in a turkey costume and Margaret in a snowman costume
Table full of delicious food - cakes in the foreground, savouries in the background. People standing with plates.