Afternoon Tea

It was a lovely afternoon! Our Post-Jubilee Afternoon Tea was a great success.

A big thank you to Kath Adams, Geoff Beard, Alan Bragg, Pat Holt, Joan Johnston, Sheila Jones, Maggie King, Chris Leadbetter, Barbara & David Peachey, Norma Riley, Sue Thomas, Margie Unsworth. Also to all those who donated raffle prizes and to everyone who cleared up and washed up at the end of the afternoon.

Photos by Angus McBain & Sue Birch.

Brenda, Jackie, Martin & Len
Bob M, Chris, Wendy & Mike
Howard, Bill, Paul & Kate
Ed & Norma
Sandwiches & Savouries
Tables with food and candelabra. Picture of the Queen
Picture taken of the whole room with people sitting at tables
Geoff, Dave, Anne, Ken, Liz, Margie & Mary
Brian, Joan, Pat, John, Maggie, Anita & Graham
The Garsides, The Raes, The Hughes, Bob M
Scones & Assorted cakes
Sandwiches and Savouries
David serving Rod at the bar