A Message From Our Chairman

Dear All

Hope you are well and managing to cope with the current situation. To those of our colleagues who are perhaps not so well we wish you a speedy return to good health.

This is just a brief update.

Two weeks ago the mower broke down and we are awaiting a new part. As a result, it has not been possible to mow the green. The grass has disobeyed our instructions and continues to grow! It is just about playable but soon won’t be. We’ll keep you informed here on the website. If anyone has access to a mower that will temporarily do the job could you please let myself, Geoff or Bill know.

Nationally and locally the final decisions have been taken to abandon league matches this year. Nationally there have been new guidelines for current opening but all the requirements of social distancing, equipment cleaning and national limitations on numbers and groups that can meet still stand. We could now slightly increase the numbers of players allowed on the green at one time, but the Committee view was that we should leave things as they are for now. I suspect the thing we all miss the most is the social aspect of the sport and it is still not possible to do that with the current restrictions.

Sorry I can’t bring you better news but let’s hope things can be back to normal next season,

Best Wishes

David Peachey