BYOB (Bring Your Own BBQ)

A fabulous Saturday afternoon BBQ. Many thanks to our intrepid chefs Alan, Mark & Dave and to all who pitched in to help. Everyone brought food to share and we held a raffle to raise funds for the Club. Thanks to those who donated the prizes. It was a lovely event.

The chefs poses for photos
Maggie leaning on the gate
Chris & Family at a picnic table
Onions & meat on the grill
Brian, Joan, Len, Pat and Brenda sitting at a table in the Clubhouse
Dave presents his ingredients for fruit kebabs
Bob C, Sandra, Alan, Margie & Ken sitting outside
Fruit kebabs on the grill
David, Barbara, Alan, Wendy & Sheila sitting at a table in the Clubhouse
Mark, Rod & Kath at an outdoor picnic table