2023: Taster Session

Sunday 23 April at 1pm

Last year’s Taster Session was a great success and helped attract lots of new members so we are repeating the event this year.

The afternoon will begin with an introduction to bowls and a chance for people to have a go. There will be a short break for tea and biscuits and then attendees will be invited to stay for the Social Bowl which begins at 2pm.

We are looking for Club members to help out at the initial session – partner up with attendees, make them feel welcome, help them understand the game, and give gentle pointers on technique.

We are also looking for the loan of light woods. We have plenty of Club woods which are 2.8 and heavier. At last year’s session, we found that we needed lots of lighter ones – 2.2 and 2.4 particularly!

Please email [email protected] to let us know if you are able to help on the day and/or lend us woods.
