2021: Round Robin Socials – 16 Attendees Only

Saturday 29 May at 1pm
Saturday 5 June at 1pm

Open to a maximum of 16 paid-up members on a first come, first served basis. The emphasis this time will be on ’social’ so there will be no prizes. There will be a nominal entry fee of £1 per person.

Members will be expected to show consideration to others as far as social distancing is concerned. To help with social distancing we will be playing singles only. Hand gel and wipes will be made available.

Please bring your own refreshments as there will be no catering at the event.

The club will be open for access to the toilets.

To register to play, please send an email with your name, email and telephone number. If it then turns out that you cannot come, please email again as we will be keeping a reserve list.