Booking The Green – June 2020

Government Advice is that Bowling Greens can now open but, initially in Phase 1, only under very restrictive conditions. The Club has undertaken a risk assessment and has agreed the following guidance which must be followed to protect our members and comply with the national restrictions set out in the British Crown Green Bowling Association guidance.

    • Only Members of the Bowling Club may use the Green – use is confined to Bowling for Exercise and Practice.

    • Only 1 group is permitted on the green at a time. Members should only partake alone, or with members of your household, or with one other person from outside your household.

    • Members must book to use the green by 5pm on the evening of the day before.

    • Booking periods will commence on the hour and finish after 55 minutes to allow the green and surrounding area to be cleared before the next booking arrives. Members must not congregate by arriving too early and must leave the area of the green and surrounds at the end of the booking period. Wednesday will be reserved for green maintenance.

    • Members must not play unless they have booked, as the Club must control and be seen to control access to the green

    • Only use your own equipment brought from home (jacks, mats, bowls etc.). If playing with a person from another household you should not handle their jack or mat but carry and use your own jack and mat, when you have the jack.

    • Keep strict social distancing measures in place – you must remain at a safe distance (2 metres) from people outside of your household at all times.

    • Follow strong hygiene practices at every opportunity – wash your hands when you leave home and return. Avoid touching solid surfaces e.g. gates, seating, doors, etc. Avoid touching your face and if possible take hand sanitiser with you to use.

    • The Club House is shut and is out of bounds so no facilities eg toilets, water will be available. Prepare with this in mind. Do not use the benches and huts around the green.

    • If you are bowling alone take sensible precautions in case of emergency. For example bring a mobile phone or ask another family member, member or friend to join you keeping strict social distances.

We are sure that those members who wish to bowl will understand the need for these restrictions, which are clearly important in order to minimise the risks to our members. This is particularly important given the age profile of our membership.

To book, send an email with the names of all participants, a contact telephone number and date and time requested.

If you do not have email, text (preferred) or call Norma (07955 758258) or David (07950 506485).

You must book to use the green by 5pm on the evening of the day before.

Wednesdays are reserved for mowing.