Tales From The Woods – Caterpillars

Laura recently noticed a great many Peacock Butterfly caterpillars when she visited the green so I popped up there to take a look and get some photos. Sure enough, some nettles up behind the shelter were alive with them.

Both Laura and I had the same reaction on first seeing them …. Ugh! But as you look more closely, you will see how delicate they are and their colouring is quite beautiful – black with white spots.

A mass of caterpillars on nettles
Close up of three caterpillars on nettles.

Peacock Butterfly (upperwing). © 2000-2016 Butterfly Conservation
Peacock Butterfly (upperwing). © 2000-2016 Butterfly Conservation
Peacock Butterfly (underwing). © 2000-2016 Butterfly Conservation
Peacock Butterfly (underwing). © 2000-2016 Butterfly Conservation