Back To Bowling

And we’re back!

We were anticipating the possibility of some resumption of bowling this summer and were awaiting guidance from the British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA). That guidance finally arrived at the weekend (the last possible moment!) and the Committee have met and agreed a way forward.

The national guidance envisages a 4 step re-opening using the key dates in the government’s plans for unlocking the lockdown ie 29 March, 12 April at the earliest, 17 May at the earliest, and 21 June at the earliest. The first 2 Steps require the booking system to be re-activated. By the June date all restrictions are expected to be lifted, but that is of course subject to conditions that apply at the time.

In order to reopen we have had to update our Risk Assessment and Guidelines for Members, and secure agreement of the Village Hall. This has all been done and bowling can recommence from 5 April.

Our outline plan is broadly as follows:

5 April – 17 May:  Booking System re-introduced with some changes to allow 6 members to play at a time,

17 May – 21 June: Review, but possibility of  larger groups, roll-ups  and access to Club House

17 June –  Possibility that all restrictions will be removed.

The Chester League is considering the option of running a half season from the end of June, and the Ladies League are planning some informal games later in the year. More information as and when it becomes available.

The guidance for members has been prepared in line with national guidance. It sets out what we are required to do to keep each other safe whilst we resume our sport. Whilst risks have been reduced through vaccination and reduced infection rates, there are still risks and they have to be managed by us all. Social distancing and sanitising of hands and surfaces will still apply.

The main change from last summer is that we are able to increase the number of bowlers on and around the green from 3 to 6. Our hope is some restoration of the social contact that we have all missed so much. It will allow groups of players to meet and play, some teams might wish to book mini-sessions, and we could help new members with training sessions.

The green is looking spectacular, thanks to Bill and his team.

Picture of the green looking towards the Church.
Picture: Bill Preston