COVID – Guidance To Members – 21 June 2021

Please read the guidance before booking time on the green.

Government Advice is that Bowling Greens can now open. Step 3 allows larger groups and use of Clubhouses. The Club has undertaken a risk assessment and have agreed the following guidance for members which must be followed to protect our members and comply with the national restrictions set out in the most recent British Crown Green Bowling Association guidance:

  • Only Members of the Bowling Club, prospective members and visiting Members from other Clubs may use the Green.

  • Members may use the green by booking the green through the booking system or participating in a Club Organised Event including matches against other teams. These two options are set out below. Prospective members may attend taster sessions accompanied by a member.

       Member Bookings

  • Up to 6 members are permitted to use the green at a time. A maximum of 4 games are allowed on the green at a time. No spectators are permitted in the green area.

  • Members must book to use the green by the evening of the day before, supplying the names of all participants.

  • Booking periods will commence on the hour and finish after 55 minutes to allow the green and surrounding area to be cleared before the next booking arrives. Two consecutive hours may be booked. Thursday will be reserved for green maintenance.

  •  Members must not congregate by arriving too early and must leave the area of the green and surrounds at the end of the booking period.  Members must not play unless they have booked, as the Club must control and be seen to control access to the green for test and trace and security reasons.

  • Try to avoid using shared equipment whenever possible – players are advised to have their own mat/jack during any session. If you are sharing equipment practice strict hand hygiene including regular use of hand sanitiser and hand sanitising wipes for equipment and surfaces. Please bring sanitisers with you to the green.

  • Social Distancing – you should remain at a safe distance from people outside of your household as much as possible. Masks may be worn but are not required.

  • Wash your hands when you leave home and return. Avoid touching solid surfaces, gates, fencing, doors, etc.

  • The Club House will not be open and is out of bounds so no facilities eg toilets, water, will be available. Prepare with this in mind. Some limited seating will be available and members may bring their own chairs. If using the benches please leave room between members if sharing a bench with someone not from your household. Please take all litter home.

  • If you are bowling alone take sensible precautions in case of emergency. For example bring a mobile phone or ask another family member, member or friend to join you.

       Club Organised Events

  • Up to 20 members may participate in Club events plus up to 2 members to organise the event. We are limiting numbers to enable members to build up confidence to return to bowling, so these numbers will be kept under review in the light of experience and feedback.

  • The green will be booked for this purpose via the booking system by the event organiser. Members must enrol prior to the event through the event organiser.

  • Club mats and jacks will be provided but must be sanitised before and after each game. Players must sanitise their hands before and after each game they play. Sanitiser sprays and wipes and hand sanitiser and litter bags will be provided by the club at the side of the green.

  • Social Distancing – you should remain at a safe distance from people outside your household as much as possible. Masks may be worn but are not required. Some limited seating will be available and it would be helpful if some members brought their own chairs. Please leave room between members if sharing a bench with someone not from your household.

  • Toilets will be available. Please comply with any rules set by the Village Hall.

  • Catering – Catering will not be provided by the club until Step 4 in July at the earliest. Members may bring their own drinks and snacks.

  • The organiser will arrange for any commonly touched surfaces eg light switches, door handles, taps within the building to be sanitised the end of the event in accordance with Village Hall requirements.

  • Wash your hands before and after leaving home and avoid touching hard surfaces when possible.

       Matches Against Other Clubs

  • From 21 June the leagues in which we play are allowing inter-club matches to restart for a limited half-season. A limit of 30 total attendees will apply to these events, a maximum of 15 from the visiting club.

  • Home and Visiting teams will use separate sides of the green as a base and will be directed to the appropriate area on arrival. Players may move around the green from their base as required.

  • Club mats and jacks will be provided but must be sanitised before and after each game. Players must sanitise their hands before and after each game they play. Sanitiser sprays and wipes and hand sanitiser and litter bags will be provided by the club at the side of the green.

  • Social Distancing – you should remain at a safe distance from people outside your household as much as possible. Masks may be worn but are not required. Some limited seating will be available and it would be helpful if some members brought their own chairs. Please leave room between members if sharing a bench with someone not from your household.

  • Toilets will be available. Please comply with any rules set by the Village Hall.

  • Catering – Catering will not be provided by the club until Step 4 in July at the earliest. Members may bring their own drinks and snacks.

  • The organiser will arrange for any commonly touched surfaces eg light switches, door handles, taps within the building to be sanitised the end of the event in accordance with Village Hall requirements.

  • Wash your hands before and after leaving home and avoid touching hard surfaces when possible.

  • Club Captains will communicate with the opposition captain before the game to explain the arrangements. Club captains should keep a record of those attending from our club. This should be kept for two weeks.

We are sure that those members who wish to bowl will understand the need for these restrictions, which are clearly important in order to minimise the risks to our members. This is particularly important given the age profile of our membership and the recent spread of the Delta variant.