2023 – AGM

The AGM for 2023 has been arranged for Tuesday 7 February at 7pm in the Clubhouse.

The Committee asks that as many members as possible attend.

If there are any items you wish to be included on the Agenda, please let the Secretary know as soon
as possible.

If there are any nominations for Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer for 2023, please let the Secretary
know so the name can be put forward.

Several members of the Committee are standing down. If you are interested in joining the Committee,
please let the Secretary know.

The Bowls Club subscription for 2023 will remain at £25. The subscription for membership of
Gladstone Village Hall has risen to £30. The total payable per member will therefore be £55. Note: If
you pay your GVH subs through another Sports Section then you need only pay £25.

We ask that you please pay by bank transfer:

SORT CODE: 40-34-06
ACCOUNT NO: 51477889

Please note: There is a £1 fee to cover bank charges if you wish to pay by cash or cheque.

Ken Unsworth