2023 – Indoor Short Mat Bowls

The winter season of Indoor Short Mat Bowls begins on Wednesday 4 October 2023.

Wednesday (or Thursday if the Clubhouse is booked) at 1.15pm.

Every other Saturday at 1pm. See the Bowls Calendar for dates.

No booking is required. Just turn up! It’s a fun, social event and a great way to keep in touch with friends when the green is closed. No special woods are needed.

If you are unfamiliar with Short Mat Bowls, a primer can be found here.

PS: there is a 20p fine for any wood hitting the centre block (up to a maximum of £1) so make sure to bring some change! The money raised is used to buy tea, coffee and biscuits.

Spectators welcome. Why not drop in for a cup of tea and a chat with friends?

Alan bowling from the entrance end of the Club