2021: Round Robin Socials – 20 Attendees Only

Saturday 12 June
Saturday 19 June
Saturday 26 June
Saturday 10 July
Saturday 17 July
Sunday 25 July
Saturday 31 July

Start time: 1pm

After some consideration we have decided that it will be safe to increase the allowed numbers to a maximum of 20 paid-up members on a first come, first served basis, plus 2 organisers.  We would respectfully ask you to bear in mind that these numbers do not allow for spectators, and in this regard, would appreciate your help in keeping the numbers within the above limits to keep us all safe.

The emphasis will be on ’social’ so there will be no prizes. There will be a nominal entry fee of £1 per person.

To help with social distancing we will be playing singles only, but we will be increasing from 3 to a maximum of 4 games at a time.  Hand gel and wipes will be made available. There will be no catering on this occasion so bring your own refreshments if you wish.

The club will be open for access to the toilets.

To register to play please use the club booking facility. You should send an email to [email protected] with name, email and telephone number as per usual for track and trace. We will keep a reserve list.